Verify that your worker nodes have srmcp working, to do that try the following command:
srmcp -debug=true file:///$PWD/somefile
in this test I have assumed that you are using a proxy which you created for the VO BalticGrid.
If you get an error of the kind:
/opt/d-cache/srm/sbin/srm: line 161: /home/cms011/.srmconfig/config.xml: No such file or directory
mkdir: too few arguments
Try `mkdir --help' for more information.
configuration file not found, configuring srmcp
then your srm is broken and you can fix it with the following script:
# removing all old config files:
rm /home/*/.srmconfig -rf
# save old configuration script
cp /opt/d-cache/srm/sbin/srm /opt/d-cache/srm/sbin/srm.old
# fix the other error
sed -e "s@-srmcphome=\$SRM_PATH@-srmcphome=\$SRM_PATH \\\ \n -webservice_path=srm/managerv1@" /opt/d-cache/srm/sbin/srm > ~/
# fix the quote error
sed -e "s@SRM_CONFIG_PARENT=dirname \$SRM_CONFIG@SRM_CONFIG_PARENT=\`dirname \$SRM_CONFIG\`@" ~/ > ~/
# replace old configuration script
mv ~/ /opt/d-cache/srm/sbin/srm -f
chmod 755 /opt/d-cache/srm/sbin/srm
rm ~/ -f
which basically removes all .srmconfig files in all home directories and then patches the /opt/d-cache/srm/sbin/srm like this:
[wn-a-01] /opt/d-cache/srm/sbin > diff srm.old srm
< -srmcphome=$SRM_PATH \
> -srmcphome=$SRM_PATH \
> -webservice_path=srm/managerv1 \