GUMS is the user mapping system in OSG and both gLite and SRM doors developed for Hadoop use this service for user mapping. The easiest way to install GUMS is through the VDT package installation. Follow the instructions here:
to install the VDT version of GUMS. The basic method is the following:
# mkdir -p /opt/osg # cd /opt/osg # wget # tar zxf pacman* # cd pacman-3.28 # source # cd /opt/osg # mkdir vdt # pacman -get
You then need to set up that all the necessary services are up and running and always will be after reboot:
# cd $VDT_LOCATION # source # vdt-control --enable fetch-crl # vdt-control --enable vdt-rotate-logs # vdt-control --enable mysql5 # vdt-control --enable apache # vdt-control --enable tomcat-55
Now you need to get and install CA certificates and also to add into /etc/grid-security/http both httpcert.pem and httpkey.pem that are for the web service (I know I know ... a self signed will do here as this is for management only essentially). One option to do so is:
#source VDT_LOCATION/ #$VDT_LOCATION/vdt/bin/vdt-ca-manage setupca --location root --url osg # mkdir -p /etc/grid-security/http # cd /etc/grid-security/http # openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -out httpcert.pem -keyout httpkey.pem
Once done:
# vdt-control --on
Next you need to set up the Administrator user on the GUMS server. To do so:
# cd $VDT_LOCATION/tomcat/v55/webapps/gums/WEB-INF/scripts # ./gums-add-mysql-admin "<Your_DN_Here>"
Once that is all done you can happily point your favorite browser with said certificate loaded to the following url:
and you should be able to login. Setting up the actual DN mappings is a separate topic.
The easiest way to go is to get the sample gums.config from this site, change your MySQL connection path and in the hostToGroupMappings change the respective domain and host names what you will use. The logic is that the queries will be answered according to from which host they come from, which DN they come for and what role. So there are plenty of different mappers that do this and some googling and common sense based upon the sample config file should get you started :) Once you have the config file replace it with your current one in
and you should be done. Try updating the VO members list and also the different mapping options (user to DN and vice versa).
One thing of note is that GUMS is running as the daemon user. So for it to be able to get the VO listings it needs access to the hostkey.pem file, which I have solved as setting the ownership to user daemon.
As this is documented well enough on the OSG pages I will not cover the installations here, just follow the instructions on
The only things worthy a mention are:
This is a bit more tricky as there are no Solaris packages and also most of the scripts have been written with Linux in mind so some of them don't work out of the box. Also I have discovered that Hadoop requires Java version 6 as Solaris nodes with version 5 didn't work due to java class version mismatch.
First off perform the installation on some Linux node so you can copy the files from this machine. Once this is done copy over to the Solaris nodes to the same locations the following folders/files:
/etc/hadoop /etc/sysconfig/hadoop /usr/bin/ /usr/bin/hadoop* /usr/share/java/hadoop
Once done copy from here the starting and stopping script that works under Solaris (node, this is a stripped down version that assumes only datanode). Create a user called hadoop (or what ever user you chose on your Linux node), create the data directories that you configured already in your /etc/sysconfig/hadoop file on Linux (note it can be a longer listing of directories, hadoop will ignore folders that don't exist on that particular node) and give all the relevant folders the right user rights (e.g. ownership to the hadoop user).
Also create the /var/log/hadoop and /var/run/hadoop and give the ownership to the hadoop user.
Also create /var/run/hadoop and /var/log/hadoop and give ownership to the same above mentioned user. I also seemed to need to set
in the hadoop users bash profile file as it wasn't set elsewhere.
Once this is all done you can as root run
/etc/init.d/hadoop start
If all goes well you should have your hadoop data node running. If not, well, then back to debugging :) However I have used this procedure now already twice to install new Solaris nodes (both OpenSolaris and Solaris 10).